Info Kerja JATIM - Bank
Tabungan Negara atau BTN merupakan salah satu Badan Usaha Milik Negara
Indonesia yang berbentuk perseroan terbatas dan bergerak di bidang jasa
keuangan perbankan. PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. – BTN adalah
sebuah perseroan terbatas yang bergerak di bidang penyedia jasa
perbankan. Bank ini merupakan sebuah Badan Usaha Milik Negara Indonesia
yang pertama kali didirikan pada tahun 1987. Saat itu bank ini masih
bernama Postspaar Bank yang terletak di Batavia. Selanjutnya Jepang
membekukan kegiatan bank tersebut dan mengganti nama menjadi Chokin
Kyoku. Pemerintah Indonesia mengambil alih dan mengubah namanya kembali
menjadi Bank Tabungan Pos sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Darurat Nomor 9
Tahun 1950. Beberapa tahun berselang tepatnya pada tahun 1963, bank ini
kembali berganti nama menjadi Bank Tabungan Negara atau biasa dikenal
dengan BTN.
Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN)
tahun setelah itu, bank ini beralih status menjadi bank milik negara
melalui Undang-Undang Nomor 20 tahun 1964. Pada tahun 1974 BTN
menawarkan layanan khusus yang bernama KPR atau kredit pemilikan rumah.
Layanan ini dikhususkan pada BTN oleh Kementerian Keuangan dengan
dikeluarkannya surat pada tanggal 29 Januari 1974. Layanan ini pertama
kali dilakukan pada tanggal 10 Desember 1976. Selanjutnya pada tahun
1989 BTN juga telah beroperasi menjadi bank umum dan mulai menerbitkan
obligasi. Pada tahun 1992 status hukum BTN berubah menjadi perusahaan
perseroan (Persero).
PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk.
membuka kesempatan bagi anda yang berpenampilan menarik, memiliki
semangat untuk berprestasi, ramah, jujur, ulet, teliti dan inovatif
serta mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik untuk mengisi posisi jabatan
sebagai berikut :
Officer Development Program
Persyaratan :
- Female and male, Not married and willing to marry for bonding married
- Maximum age 26 years (not repeated in the 27th year running recruitment)
- Minimal Bachelor Degree S1 from the PTN / PTS reputable and has a good reputation
- Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.00 (scale 4:00)
- Preferably majoring in Economics (Management, Accounting, and
Development Studies), Law (Civil and Criminal), Computer Science /
Information Technology, Engineering (Civil, Architectural, Electrical,),
Psychology and Statistics
- Minimum height 160 cm (men) and 155 cm (women)
- Proportional weight and attractive
- Willing to undergo bond department for 5 years
General Banking Staff
Persyaratan :
- Female and male, Not married and willing to marry for bonding married 2 years
- Maximum age 24 years (not repeated in the 25th year running recruitment)
- Minimal Bachelor Degree S1 / D4 with Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.75 (scale 4:00)
- Minimum height 160 cm (men) and 155 cm (women)
- Proportional weight and attractive
- Willing to undergo a bond for 3 years
- Does not have any family relationship with an employee of Bank BTN (father / mother / child / brother / sister)
Business Support Staff
Persyaratan :
- Female and male, Not married and willing to marry for bonding married 2 years
- Maximum age 24 years (not repeated in the 25th year running recruitment)
- Minimum D3 with Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.75 (scale 4:00)
- Minimum height 160 cm (men) and 155 cm (women)
- Proportional weight and attractive
- Willing to undergo a bond for 3 years
- Does not have any family relationship with an employee of Bank BTN (father / mother / child / brother / sister)
Persyaratan :
- Female, Not married and willing to marry for bonding married 2 years
- Maximum age 24 years (not repeated in the 25th year running recruitment)
- Minimum D3, Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.75 (scale 4:00)
- Minimum height 155 cm
- Preferred attractive and weight proportional
- Willing to undergo a bond for 3 years
- Does not have any family relationship with an employee of Bank BTN (father / mother / child / brother / sister)
Customer Service Staff
Persyaratan :
- Indonesian citizens
- Female and male
- Not married and not married for 2 years
- Maximum age 24 years (not repeated in the 25th year running recruitment)
- Minimum D3 with Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.75 (scale 4:00)
- Minimum height 160 cm (men) and 155 cm (women)
- Preferred attractive and weight proportional
- Does not have any family relationship with an employee of Bank BTN (father / mother / child / brother / sister)
- Willing to undergo a bond for 3 years
Teller Service Staff
Persyaratan :
- Female and male, Indonesian citizens
- Not married and not married for 2 years
- Maximum age 24 years (not repeated in the 25th year running recruitment)
- Minimum high school education / level with the average value of a diploma at least 7
- Minimum height 160 cm (men) and 155 cm (women)
- Preferred attractive and weight proportional
- Does not have any family relationship with an employee of Bank BTN (father / mother / child / brother / sister)
- Willing to undergo a bond for 3 years
Persyaratan :
- Indonesian citizens, Female and male
- Not married and willing to marry for apprenticeship
- Maximum age 23 years (have not been repeated in the 24-year run recruitment)
- For Customer Service Education minimal D3 with minimum GPA 2.75 scale 4:00
- To Teller Service at least high school education / level with the average value of a diploma at least 7
- Minimum height 160 cm (men) and 155 cm (women)
- Preferred attractive and weight proportional
- Does not have any family relationship with an employee of Bank BTN (father / mother / child / brother sister)
Experienced/Professional Hire
Persyaratan :
- Indonesian citizens
- Female and male, Minimal Bachelor Degree S1 / D4
- Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.75 (scale 4:00)
- Does not have any family relationship with an employee of Bank BTN (father / mother / child / brother sister)
- Other qualifications adjusted to the required position
Pengiriman Lamaran
Apabila Anda tertarik dan memenuhi kualifikasi, maka silakan daftarkan diri anda secara resmi melalui :
Catatan :
- Hanya pelamar dengan kualifikasi terbaik yang akan dipanggil dan akan diikutsertakan dalam proses tahapan seleksi selanjutnya.
- Proses seleksi menggunakan SISTEM GUGUR, dan apabila pelamar tidak
dapat menunjukkan dokumen-dokumen atau data pendukung yang diminta oleh
PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk., maka secara otomatis peserta
tersebut akan dikeluarkan dari proses penerimaan calon pegawai.
- Pedaftaran paling lambat tanggal 26 Februari 2016
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